Saturday, October 17, 2009


I LOVE SINGING!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if I'm no good!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


"So why don't you think you'll get married?" my friend randomly asked me. "Well.... It's kinda awkward to talk about...." I said looking down at my cookie. "Okay, so you gonna tell me?" my friend asked eagerly. "Um... I don't think I will or at least not right now." I said as I stuffed a cookie in my mouth. "Okay, but you will tell me, right?" "Yes, I'll tell you..... Eventually." My friend gave me a weird look, then got up from the table and went downstairs to watch a movie.

~Few weeks later~

"Yeah, she'll have 4 or 5.... maybe 6." I heard my dad say as I turned the music down. "Who are we talking about?" I asked with great interest. "You of course!" my mom said with a rather large grin on her face. "Okay..... How many of what am I going to have?" I asked out of curiosity. "Kids." my dad quickly replied. "No." I quickly corrected them. "I'm not gonna have kids, I'm gonna have a chimp!" "No, your gonna have kids. We know you." my mom exlcaimed. "No! I DON'T want kids!" I said starting to get aggravated. "Well you know what? Amanda said the same thing and now she has a baby and wants to have 2 more. And Jessie said the same thing to and now she has 2 kids." my mom said in a raised voice. *What does she know!* I thought to myself. I have my reasons on why I don't want to have kids and I don't think I should have to explain it to my parents, they should just leave me alone about it and keep their thoughts to themselves.

~My reasons~

The reason I don't think I'll get married is because.... Guys like kids. Every guy I have ever met tells me how they want to get married to the perfect girl and have kids. And that's why I believe I will never get married. I don't want to have kids, not because they're bad or anything, but cause I'm just not fond of having them. I've had this talk with someone before and it was a very awkward conversation but they wanted to know. I just wish people would leave me alone about this stuff cause I'd rather NOT talk about it! I know this was kinda a random blog, but it has just been bugging me so I had to get it out.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


"So...... What do you want to do with your life?" asked dad trying to start a conversation. "I don't know really....... I don't like to plan out my future, cause I would be disappointed if it didn't happen the way I wanted it to." I said while playing with my hands. "Well, what about college?" he asked as we pulled into the gas station. "Um... I don't think college is for me. I mean I'm not the sharpest tool in the shead. You know?" I said as I gathered up the garbage off the floor. "I believe you're just lazy, and that you are really smart." he said as he gave me a smile. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked into the gas station to get me a coke. While searching for the cheapest coke, I started to think Well maybe dad's right, I mean I'm pretty sure I could go to college and make something of myself! But what if I fail? Then I would just disappoint mom and dad and myself! I don't want that! Then I paid for my coke and ran back to the car and didn't say a word the rest of the day.

Thursday while looking for skirts on eBay (btw I found one YAY!), my mom brought up College. "So did Timber get things worked out for college?" she asked sounding concerned. "Yeah, she's actually on her way there." I said hoping that would be the end of that. "I really hate it for her, that her parents wouldn't help her with any of that." "Yeah, that wasn't a nice thing to do." I said while looking at the skirts on eBay. "Yeah, I hope I don't have to deal with anymore of my kids going to college." "Really?!" I said with a bit of excitement. "Yes! I mean look how Jessie turned out, and Amanda. They were both perfectly fine till they went to college." she said shaking her head. "Yeah. Well you don't have to worry about doing that with me cause, I don't want to go." I said with a big smile feeling very happy that she didn't want me to go. "Well that's good. I would hate for you to turn out like Jessie, and end up messing up your life." she said with relief. Wow! I thought. I don't know what the future has in store for me. I could just as easily mess up my life just like Jessie did, if not worse. Great what if I said something or did something that could change what I do in the future? Stupid pressure! I hate having to feel like I have to please everybody, especially my mom and dad. I feel like everyone is watching me to see if or when I'll mess up on something. And here I am thinking All of this over college? I knew I didn't like talking about college for a reason! Blah... I just wish I could read minds then maybe I could please everyone and nobody would get disappointed! Sadly that's impossible... Oh well =(

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Ok so Sunday night, after church, I was hanging out with Cross and Sammy outside. Cross started to show Sammy something he could do on the brick wall. Suddenly it got really quiet, then I heard crying, and here comes Sammy running pass me crying and mumbling about something, then I saw Cross walking up to someone holding his arm crying. I asked Cross "What happened, did you fall down?" "No, Sammy just hit me for no reason." Cross said climbing into the back of his dad's truck. "Well I'm gonna go talk to Sammy and see why he hit you." I said as I walked into the church to question Sammy. Little did I know Sammy was talking to my dad about what had happened. "Dad, you know how the bible says when someone hits you you're supposed to turn the other cheak?" Sammy said with tears running down his face. "Yes, what about it?" Dad said wondering what his point was. "Well I hit Cross and he didn't turn the other cheak, he hit me back." My dad just sat there laughing and laughing then finally he said "Well Sammy, that's what happens when you hit a kid, they tend to hit back." Later I saw Sammy and I asked him why he had hit Cross and he said "I just wanted to fight with him so, I hit him." "Well, why did you want to fight with him?" I asked out of curiousity. "Because I wanted to play sonic, duh!" My mom tells my brothers all the time about how games like that can make kids violent, I use to laugh about that, but now, I think I agree with her. The point in me putting this blog up was because I was bored.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Brian Jacob Reynolds

Ok so my sister had her baby yesterday and this is a picture of him. Isn't he cute!? I'm so excited about seeing him tonight. I'm gonna be his very fav aunt lol, and we're gonna play all the time. We're gonna play peek-a-boo, cars, planes, and boats. I can't wait till he can come home. ^-^

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why is life so hard?

That's a question I ask myself a lot. I don't know why life seems so hard to me, I have great friends, a family that cares for me, and a AWESOME church family too. And yet I still ask why is life so hard? It could be secrets that I have kept to myself and are eatting me up inside, or it could be the fact that there seems to be a lot of drama every few weeks, but I really don't know. Maybe life isn't exactly hard, maybe we just make it that way. I guess I just need to pray about it, I mean that's all I could do really.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Ok, so today is the day we're going snowboarding and I feel like crap. I woke up at 6:00 a.m. because of a nose bleed and then I couldn't get back to bed, and right now I have a bad head ake, cramp, and stomach ake, and in a couple of hours I'm gonna have to ride in the back of a hot car with my two little brothers for 5 hours. I have no idea how I'm gonna survive the ride, so please, pray for me.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Hey what's up, my name is Michele Christiana Brown although most people know me as Shell. I just recently started going to a new church in August 2008, and have been reunited with one of my old friends. (which is totally kool because I've missed her SO much) I've also made some new friends with sky scrapers lol. I have an EXTREMELY sweat new pastor his name is Anthony Wynn, and I knowI already said this, but he is the sweatest guy you'll ever meet. I thought it was going to take forever to get along with the kids in the church, but it was actually very easy, and I am so blessed to have them. So yeah that's pretty much all I wanted to say.